Wymarra Wymarra ATSIC is an Indigenous facilitation corporation that is providing comprehensive facilitation services and with our board of directors and professionals there is a wealth of experience across the board and with the aim of providing services specifically tailored to supporting the rights and interests of Indigenous and developing nations in Australia and beyond, we are aligned with many developers, international and multinational companies and specialise in the Indigenous sector with strategies from our Indigenous advisory board to consult and advise best practiced solutions. Wymarra Wymarra ATSIC is First Nation owned, and we now have offices in Queensland and New South Wales.
Your success is our success at Wymarra Wymarra ATSIC we know that building and reinforcing relationships with new and existing investors is key to everyone's success. First of all, existing customer loyalty can help broaden our base with the word-of-mouth marketing so often provided by satisfied, happy clients. What's more, we can take advantage of chances to engage with customers who desire a closer connection and to deepen their positive experience. An added benefit is that this organic opportunity to welcome new clients to unique viable and profitable investments is what makes us different.
Our main objective in project facilitation is to provide a service assisting proponents to engage with traditional owner's, government, or other bodies to solve problems and make decisions through the project development life. It helps accelerate project delivery and increase the likelihood of project success. Here are some of our solutions to achieve positive project investment.
(1) Providing business case information addressing project requirements, business costs, skills availability and other investment drivers
(2) Identifying suitable site options
(3) Coordinating pre-lodgement meetings and providing advice
(4) Introductions to partners like universities and other training organisations
(5) Investigation of potential funding pathways.